Dream Files from Old New England

An excerpt from “Final Resting Place”.

My body violently jerks out of sleep. Like in the movies when you see someone wake up in a dream. It’s never happened to me before.

It’s happening right now and I feel it — perhaps the strangest sensation I have ever experienced. My body rises out of bed and makes its way to the downstairs back door as if being controlled remotely.

My body senses the disconnect and tries to kick into gear — catching up to current movement — but it can’t. It feels like I’m tripping and I hate that sensation. I don’t let it take over this time. This is meant to happen — don’t fight it.

I arrive at the back door as it swings open — the backyard is visible through tunnel vision and everything outside the radius is blurred. Tunnel vision — like the depression sometimes.

Refocus. This is beyond me and my thoughts. However, this dream is more informative than the others.

Even now, my thinking takes over. I stop and just wait, the expanse of the green before me. The backyard trees form a dark canopy gently lit by the dim moon. Just enough to see directly in front of me. Then something from the far right corner comes into view.

My hesitation almost tears me away, but I stay. Accept it.

And who approaches — none other than Buddy, the neighbor’s dog. He is not floating though, his pace is quicker and purposeful. He comes and sits about ten feet before me. His eyes are wide open and his mouth appears to be smiling — almost. He sits there for me simply to enjoy his presence. A joyous feeling takes over.

And almost as quickly as he appears — it’s over.


  1. Magnificent! I too am gifted with/plagued by often extremely vivid, detailed dreams. Sometimes they seem more like memories than dreams. In my dreams, the sky is always very dark, if not black, yet nothing around me is dark or dim. It’s like daylight with a black sky instead of blue. In the dream the dark sky never seems odd or out of the ordinary. Its only after I wake and think about the dream that the sky seems odd. I think that’s why your accompanying art spoke to me so much. This dream definitely seems like a visit if some kind, if you believe in such things.



    1. Yeah, I seriously relater to what you are saying. Its funny, I believe some people (me included) are much more guided by their “subconcious” (whtaver that really means) and I too often feel that my dreams blur inmto my reality quite a bit..;)


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